The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE) at Seattle University is dedicated to the Ignatian sensibility for “finding God in all things,” with a preferential option for convening faculty and practitioners (CEIE Scholars) who engage topics at the margins of society.

Evident in our scholarly projects to date, CEIE scholars are convened across disciplines. They commit to studying a specific topic. The chosen topic will present a significant moral, societal, theological and cross-disciplinary challenge for the world. Our most recent project focuses upon Gratitude, Injury, and Repair in a Pandemic Age.

CEIE Scholars meet twice, draft and share papers that respond to the topic, and then engage in a form of Ignatian discernment that is specific to the Center’s formula for advancing literacy on the topic and all related themes.

CEIE distributes the results of the study through a reputable journal or publisher and develops an online resource for use in local communities wherever there is access to an internet connection.

Explore our two latest topics of study and engagement by visiting our Resources page and return for more news about forthcoming projects.

Meet the CEIE Scholars – Forthcoming